Our team is here for you ! Submit a ticket and we will answer you.
Welcome to OBLATIF !
Map wipe at 18h UTC on the 1st Thursday of the month.
No BP Wipe.
No admin play and abuse. No pay to win !
-No VAC or Steam game bans within 90 days
-No EAC bans within 180 days
-No more than 2 total bans
-No racism or homophobia
-Follow the team limit (max 4), no allies, but may swap teammates
- Blueprints don't wipe unless forced by Facepunch
- Raid Alarm - When your base comes under attack, Rust+ will notify you of the event
- Some minicopters and boats will spawn
- Skin
- UpKeep 50%
- 2x Smelt, Recycling, and Stack Sizes
- Turret no limit
- x2 loot , ressources , sulfur 1.2x
- no limit team